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At the time of writing the FA-120 antenna is believed to be the lightest most compact 1.2m flyaway antenna available. It is intended primarily for Satellite News Gathering, but is equally well suited to any other application where a one man lift is mission critical or transportation as checked baggage is vital.

The FA-120 is almost entirely manufactured from moulded carbon fibre and durable light weight plastics to ensure that even with 3 axis motorisation, packed weight comes in at less than 32kgs and the highly innovative “Russian Doll” reflector design has kept the packed dimensions to easily manageable proportions comparable with many much smaller antennas.

Operators in the field face difficulties and the attention to detail found in the FA-120 antenna greatly assists.

Composite legs, integral to the overall dimensions of the antenna when packed, fold down and ratchet into multiple positions for high stability on any terrain with an incline up to 15 degrees and stake holes allow the antenna to be pinned down for high wind operation. The mount case, empty when the antenna is deployed can also be loaded with ballast.

As a manual antenna the FA-120 can easily be pointed using the three axis vernier adjusters. A spirit bubble is provided to level the antenna and clear scales are provided for azimuth, elevation and pole.

When specified, motors, inclinometer, potentiometers and digital control unit all fit neatly within the weatherproof housing and allow comprehensive control via RS485, using either the GigaSat STC-100 antenna controller or a range of third party controllers.

Within minutes of arrival at site, the FA-120 can automatically point, peak and track, even on highly inclined satellites. However, in the unlikely event that the motorisation or power should not be available the antenna can easily be manually overridden at any time using the 13mm/1/2" hand crank supplied.