The General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies (GDST) Model 7200 Antenna Control System is a state-of-the-art automatic positioning system which incorporates advanced control modes and an enhanced menu-driven user interface to provide accurate antenna positioning with minimum operator effort. Fully automatic tracking of inclined orbit satellites is accomplished with the revolutionary GDST Orbit Prediction Track (OPT) algorithm, which generates future AZ and EL pointing data by propagating a physically valid orbit through initial measured data to the time of interest. This type of ephemeris prediction offers increased effi ciency and accuracy over methods which merely use measured data in a curve fi tting routine to predict a trajectory.
The Model 7200 user interface employs a front panel graphics display which provides convenient menu-driven editing and control function selection. In addition, a “Target-Oriented” operating environment allows the system to have custom confi gured control modes for multiple satellites, with simultaneous maintenance of corresponding data bases for each.
The system is confi gured around the GDST Model 7200 Antenna Control Unit (ACU), contained in a 7-inch rack mountable cabinet. The system is controllable via Ethernet or RS-232E / RS-422 serial ports, allowing remote operation or integration with a supervisory monitor and control computer.
Key Features:
Field proven in hundreds of critical applications
Unsurpassed autonomous predictive tracking performance with Orbit Prediction Track (OPT)
Clean, effi cient user interface
Extensive, context-sensitive on-line help
Highly reliable 68030 CPU/VME bus structure
Remote control and data entry
Battery-backed nonvolatile RAM
Self diagnostics
Multiple position feedback resolution/accuracy options